All Categories - Amsterdam Cricket Academy
This Christmas holiday the Amsterdam Cricket Academy proudly presents the XMAS SPECIAL - a...
Dutch Combined Cricket Tour 2024 Traditiegetrouw zijn er ook dit jaar weer jeugdteams gaan...
This Autumn holiday we are co-organizing the KNCB Performance Cricket Camp (13-19yr) & KNCB...
This summer holiday we are co-organizing the KNCB Performance Cricket Camp (13-19yr) & KNCB...
During the Christmas break we organise a two day indoor camp at VRA. This will be Thursday 28 &...
ACA Winter Programme. In the Amsterdam region ACA will run a club based programme, where all...
This autumn holiday we are co-organizing the KNCB Performance Cricket Camp (13-19yr) & KNCB...
This Autumn break the KNCB and Amsterdam Cricket Academy are co-organising a KNCB Girls Academy...
Op maandag 17, dinsdag 18, woensdag 19 en donderdag 20 juli is er op VCC weer een HIGH...
This summer holiday we are co-organizing the KNCB Performance Cricket Camp (13-19yr) & KNCB...
R66T Academy Coaching Camp 1st - 3rd August 2023. European based cricketers - be coached by...
This May holiday we are co-organizing the KNCB Performance Cricket Camp (13-19yr) & KNCB Junior...
This spring holiday we are co-organizing the KNCB Indoor Performance Cricket Camp (13-19yr) &...
In the Amsterdam region ACA will run a club based programme, where all the clubs in the region...
During the Christmas break we will organise a one day indoor camp at VRA. This will be Thursday...
Over the last couple of winters we have seen how difficult it is to run a successful winter...
Dag allemaal, Hi all! 🇳🇱 Wil je meerdere sporten leren, je uitleven en vrienden maken in het...
Sadly the amazing summer of 2022 filled with cricket and sun is over. Luckily that does not...